Note: This list is influenced by our local South Asian population. Please compile definitions, that are inclusive of your own local communities. (The letters “v”, and “x” omitted intentionally)
means “The”. When certain words (99 to be exact) are preceded by the hyphenated al- it is used to designate one of Allah’s names and adding “The” emphasizes his singular authority.
al Lawh al Mahfuz
al-Lawh al-Mahfooz (the Preserved Tablet) the place where the decrees of Allah are kept. The only thing that can change these records are duaas that are accepted by Allah.
the resident people of Madina who aided the Meccan immigrants (muhajireen), embraced Islam, and provided the Prophet (saw) with a central location to establish a government
3rd of the five obligatory prayers held in the late afternoon
a house in Mecca used as a secret meeting place and learning for the early Muslims. The first ‘Madressa’ in Islam.
Inviting others to Islam
knowledge of the religion of Islam with its proofs
Remembrance of Allah. All words of praise and glory to Allah
Currency of pre-islamic Arabia
A informal, optional, prayer, that is performed at any time, and does not require the worshipper to be in a state of ablution. It is a personal dialogue with Allah, using your own words and in your own language, or by reciting known Arabic duaas found in Quran and Hadith. Communal duaa (usually performed behind an imam) is permissible, as long as it does not become a regular practice.
an action or charity that is done strictly for the pleasure of Allah without any expectation of return in this life and hoping for it’s reward in the afterlife
Injustice, turning people away, persecution, falling into sin and hypocrisy, misguidance Literally means “trial” or “test”
State of purity and innocence in which Muslims believe all humans are born
The evening meal that ends the daily Ramadan fast at sunset.
plural for “strangers”, “foreigners”. Usually used in the context that we are all travelers in this short life and that as practicing Muslims we are strangers to the sinful life of society
a written record of the sayings or customs of Prophet Muhammad and his companions
Hadith Qudsi
a written record from the perspective of its meaning, is from Allah, and from the perspective of its wording, from the Messenger of God (peace be upon him)
a Muslim who has memorized the entire Quran with complete understanding of it’s meaning.
Hajj Pilgrims
low, semi-circular wall originally part of the Kaba
pilgrimage made to Mecca at least once in a lifetime for those that can afford it
literally means “surrender,” “submission”. The universal, and truly monotheistic religion for all of mankind, revealed to the final Prophet and Messenger, Muhammad (peace be upon him) between 610 and 632 of the Common Era. People who practice Islam are called Muslims.
“chains of narration”
Isra’ and Mi’raj
a night journey that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) went on in body and in soul to al Aqsa mosque (Isra) and to the Heavens (Miraj)
straighten up (the rows for prayer). Usually said by the imam before starting the congregational prayer if the rows are misaligned
is the act of seeking forgiveness from Allah, usually by saying “astagfirullah” (I seek forgiveness from Allah)
involves two parts 1.) a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline 2.) a military engagement led by an Islamic government as a defensive, or offensive strategy, such as after a treaty has been broken, or to retaliate against an oppression
a flowing gown worn by Muslim women as an act of modesty and to fulfil the requirements of hijab
a supernatural being with “free will”, Created before humans, but made from a smokeless flame. Some are good and some are evil. They will be brought to account on Judgement Day
a “tax” of about 1% of a person’s wealth for those living under the protection of a Muslim Caliphate
a Friday congregational prayer that is obligatory for Muslim men
the Quran is divided into 30 parts or Juz which provides an easier way to read the Quran in equal parts because the 114 chapters (surahs) are not equal in size
Juz Amma
Juz’ Amma is the 30th Juz of the Qur’an, and is comprised of its final 36 chapters (surahs)
Located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, it is the holiest site in Islam and is the direction of prayer for every Muslim around the world. Kaaba, meaning cube in Arabic, is a structure built by the Prophet Ibrahim and his son. The Black Stone was said to have been given to Ibrahim by the angel Jibreel. The stone was broken and the remaining fragments are embedded in the eastern corner.
a person that is “disbeliever”, and “non-Muslim”. The opposite of a kafir is a mumin
califa, calipha
the head of the Islamic country/state
an Islamic empire
is a person who delivers a religious talk (khuṭbah) (literally “narration”), during the Friday prayer and Eid prayers
a religious talk during the Friday and Eid prayers. It is divided into two parts with a brief pause inbetween. It is started and ended with a a duaa (informal prayer).
leather socks
Kufr means an action or mindset of disbelief. A non-Muslim. The opposite term of kufr is iman (faith)
the “Night of Power”. The precise date is unknown but it is said to be one of the last 10 days of Ramadan. It is better than 1,000 months and is a time for increasing good deeds by making supplication, deep reflection, and acts of charity
A “school of thought” on the interpretation of Islamic jurisprudence. There are four schools of thought.
disliked or offensive act (literally “detestable” or “abominable”
Maliki (School of thought)
One of the four “schools of thought” on the interpretation of Islamic jurisprudence.
Masjid Al-Aqsa
the third Holiest mosque in Islam, located in Jerusalem. It is a compound that includes the Dome of the Rock (as-Sakhra)
Masjid al-Haram
the Holiest of 3 mosques in Islam, located in Mecca. It contains the Kaba. Because the Kaba is the direction of our prayer, Muslims line up in circles around it.
the second Holiest mosque in Islam, located in Medina. The Prophet (saw) established it shortly after the hijrah (immigration from Mecca to Median, to avoid the persecution of early Muslims)
Madinah, Medinah
a city in which the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the Ansar (the Medina residents) and the Muhajireen (Medina immigrants) established the first Islamic government that promoted fairness and cooperation
a school or college for Islamic education
One of the five obligatory prayers held shortly before sunset
the title of a person that will come before the end of the world and rule for seven years during which he restores justice and unites the Muslims
a Muslim that is a strong believer. The opposite of a mumin is a kafr.
the person who calls the adan, the call to prayer
one who relays important talks/a scholar of hadith
the Meccan people who immigrated from Mecca to Medina to escape persecution by the Quraish, during the Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) time, and were wholeheartedly accepted by the Ansar (the residents of Medina)
a hypocrite, that acts like a Muslim in public but secretly hates Islam
literally means “collection of pages.” “Quran” refers to the specific revelation that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad whereas the term “mushaf” denotes the written form of that revelation.
A person who rejects tawhid; an idolater, a polytheist.
people who adhere to Islam
a female Muslim
is a Islamic Jurisprudence term which means it is highly recommended and desirable for the believers to follow; but if one does not do it, there is no sin upon the person. It means a deed which the Prophet recommended the believers to do, but did not make it fard (obligatory)
a person who is already Mu’min, practicing the rituals as a Muslim and trying to be even better.
Asian word meaning a day of celebrating the signing of the legal marriage document
a face covering worn by some Muslim women
intention before a prayer
in humans noor is the light of Islamic guidance, good deeds, firm belief. Angels are made from noor. Allah swt says He is the Light of the heavens and the earth
the Quran is divided into 30 parts or Para(Asian word for Juz) which provides an easier way to read the Quran in equal parts because the 114 chapters (surahs) are not equal in size
a person who recites the Quran with the proper rules of recitation (tajwid).
the direction of formal prayers for Muslims around the world
the standing position of the formal prayer
Yawm al-Qiyamah
Day of Resurrection. Literally means the “rising up at the resurrection”
“Quran” refers to the specific revelation that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad whereas the term “mushaf” denotes the written form of that revelation.
patience. Literally means ‘endurance’, ‘perseverance’, ‘persistence’
a voluntary charitable action which can be a kind deed towards others or monetary gift.
used as part of a “grading” system on the authenticity of hadith. Sahih hadith are accurate and reliable. The chain of narrators is sound and unbroken.
literally means “the pious predecessors” and refer to the first three generations of Muslims
any religious, Islamic fast from food and water during daylight hours
sira, sirah
“prophetic biographies”. Both a hadith and a Seerah include isnads (chains of narration). Hadith, is used as an authentic source of Islamic law. While a Seerah’s primary goal is to relay information about historical account.
One of the four “schools of thought” on the interpretation of Islamic jurisprudence.
Islamic testimony of faith
literally means “the path”. It is the Islamic legal system based on the Quran and the Hadith. Historically these laws were the same for “The People of the Book” (Jews and Christians) before they omitted them.
associating “partners” with Allah, an unforgiveable sin
a Jinn that is evil. A devil. But not all Jinn are bad.
means, any “mutual consultation”. It can be the consultative council or assembly of a government, or it can be family working together through problems, or to make decisions.
means “a way or a road”. It is stated to be a bridge thinner than a hair, and sharper than a sword. On Judgement Day, believers will pass over it (some quickly and some with difficulty) and others will fall from it into Hellfire.
a twig cut from a Salvadora persica tree. When moistened in the mouth it’s fibers separate, creating a natural, hygienic, and effective toothbrush
prostration during the formal prayer. When in sujud, you are the closest to Allah in your prayer. You can also make sujud while making duaa, outside of the formal prayer.
Sujood Sahw
prostration of forgetfulness. If we omit, or add to the formal prayer by an honest mistake, usually caused by distracted mind, sujood sahw is performed near the end of the prayer by performing two prostrations
Sujood ash-Shukr
a prostration which is performed for Allah, in order to show gratitude for a specific blessing. It can be done at any time, and in whatever state he is in (ablution is not mandatory)
literally means “habitual practice”. The traditions and practices of the Prophet Muhammad that are a model for Muslims to follow
Sunnah mu’akkadah
refers to any voluntary act of worship which the Prophet (peace be upon him) continuously performed and almost never abandoned
A formal, optional, Arabic prayer, that is performed at a specified time, and requires the worshipper to be in a state of ablution
a chapter in the Quran. There are 114 surahs (subdivided into 30 juz) and 6236 ayats(verses)
It is an optional prayer at night during Ramadan after breaking the fast. The Prophet (saw) would sometimes offer the prayer at the mosque and sometimes at home, for fear that people would make it obligatory. It is a modern mistake when people become preoccupied with trying to “finish the Quran” by Eid, without pondering any of it’s meanings. Taraweeh literally means “rest” and “relaxation” because righteous people before our time used to rest after every four rak`at
a string of prayer beads used by Muslimsto count the glorifications of Allah (zikr). This can also be accomplished using the 3 joints of each finger
Islamic monotheism. The acknowledgement of the Oneness of Allah’s 1. Names and Attributes, 2. Lordship 3. Worship
the original, unaltered Holy texts of the Hebrews/Jews
The ritual of circumambulating the Kaaba seven times during Hajj or Umrah
taweez, ta’wiz, tawiz
an amulet or locket worn for good luck and protection. This is strictly forbidden because your only source of protection is from Allah
an ablution using clean soil in the absence of water that temporarily suffices for prayer. The prayer is repeated once a water source is available for wudu.
a traditional ankle-length garment, commonly worn in the Arabian Peninsula، and some African nations
Asian word for a “pillbox” style hat usually adorned with elaborate embroidery
literally means “revelation”. It refers to messages and guidance that Allah sent to his Prophets. Wahy is of 7 types: Dreams, what the Angel throws in the heart, an Angel in human form, the Prophet is taken to another dimension, an Angel in his true form, the Night of Miraj, the Prophet is addressed directly
an obligatory act
legal guardian of a female Muslim
Asian word for wedding
tempting whispers from the shaytans (the evil ones among the jinn)
a mandatory charity on 2.5% of a Muslim’s wealth. Needy Muslims are the recipient of these funds and this requirement is waived for them
Tayyiba, Barra, Madnuna
a renewable groundwater source in Mecca that was the answer to Hajar’s duaa (the wife of Prophet Ibrahim), and source of purification for Hajj/Umrah pilgrims
any act of illicit sexual intercourse between an unmarried man and woman
One of the five obligatory prayers held in the early afternoon