This is a playlist of an Aqeedah class. Aqeedah is the core of your monotheistic belief. It is best if you take notes for your personal reference. If you cannot due to time constraints, there are some notes provided in the “description” area below the video in Youtube.
- Aqeedah tells you who Allah is and how to properly worship Him.
- Prayer and Duaa are your communications to Allah
- Quran is Allah’s communication to you.
- Keeping good company (surrounding yourself with good people and having good manners) is a refuge for you from the fitnah (trials & conflicts) in the world
- Judgment Day is the culmination of everything you practiced in life, your final “report card”
You will need to enable the “autoplay” feature in your Youtube settings so it will advance to the next video automatically (if this has not been done already).